I would LOVE to be vegan after knowing the horrid, gruesome, heart wrenching truth. But I cannot give up eggs or beef (especially beef) and sweet smelling chicken, and have you even eaten pasta without bacon! Oh gawd... I can't BE VEGAN or VEGETARIAN.
Why not?
Vegan means your main source of protein is from beans and tofu which is also bean anyway, and you cannot eat animal related products which means practically NO MORE GUMMY BEARS (because theres GELATIN in some or most which is from COW) or chocolates (because theres milk in it) and every other yummy wrummy foods you're probably eating now.
The agony!
How can ANYONE SURVIVE without meat oh glorious, glorious, meat, and eggs and milk... I'm a dairy product lover... AND NO CHEEEESE? Oh noo... Torture! Torture! Torture! TORTURE!
So I cannot be Vegan.
And I cannot be vegetarian even though it means I can eat eggs and cheese and everything else without meat in it... Its still... Agonizingly excrutiatingly painful! I mean what? I'm to eat cauliflower, lettuce, and long beans everyday? I can't live like this! CORRECTION! I can't survive like this!
Yes. I'm a selfish wart with half a kind heart (if its still alive that is).
Its such a pity that I love eggs and dairy products so much... Since young I've lived practically on only meat and meat alone (and eggs of course) while my sister was the veggie bin... So it would be like not a problem if my sister were to convert to VEGANISM (is that what you call it) or VEGETARIANITY (sounds wrong... hmmm... ). For me to convert into a vegan or even just a vegetarian would be like to ask me to jump from one end of the freaking long Great Wall of China to the other end. IMPOSSIBLE almost.
I say almost only because Adidas has this ad that says "Impossible is nothing." So yeah. Almost.
But back to the point... Yeah. Whats the horrifying truth thats rocking the foundation of my faith in carnivourous meat eating love?
I'd say NC-16. Wouldn't want the little kiddies to lose faith in meat and farmers now do we? Yes so 16 and above move on, if not, aiya, if you're emotionally and psychologically scarred for life... ... Its utterly sad! I'm just exaggerating! But its really bad. :X It pretty much made me so upset and guilty that I eat meat 85% of the day... So little kiddies, move along now. Theres a tiny 'X' box up there so if you're reading on and feel like sick and everything, you know where to click.
The worst case in milk producing cows. And I'm talking about this because its closest to my heart. (I LOVE MILK!)
For your info (because some of my friends are clueless about this) the female cow can only give milk and the male cow is not called a male cow, its called a bull and yes, its the kind you see on TV being waved at by a red piece of cloth which probably makes it mad because you're making him look stupid by waving a piece of cloth at it.
I asked TY, how do you think cows give milk?
And naturally he said just squeeze her udder and WOAH-LAA, milk oozes out into a metal bucket.
If this was a bio question that'll give you only half a mark out of twelve or something.
Heres the real deal.
Milk cows are the saddest mothers on earth. On this planet. Even in living existence. You think milk just comes out from cows like theres no tomorrow, that its naturally occuring substance found in a cow udder right?
Yeah. I thought that happened too. Until the truth hit me in the face.
The cow is forced to become pregnant, only when a calf is born THEN there is MILK! If only things were so simple, so peaceful.
Then the calf is taken forcefully (yet again... brutal aren't we?) away from the mother and the cow spends her days calling out for her lost child day in and out. What she doesn't know is that her little baby is going to the butchers as VEAL. :X Sad isn't it?
Then when milk supply runs out. Wah. Guess what? We force her to be pregnant again.
If you think about it, what we're doing is almost like making a slave get raped repeatedly just so that we can take her children and her milk. Quite disgusting right?
And we condone all this just because shes just a cow. Shes not human. Shes just a cow...
SIGH. And I'm just too selfish to do my part.
I can't give up milk. Even after knowing the brutal painful sad truth I still don't have that little push inside to REALLY STOP drinking milk. A part of me tells me that even if I give it up others will still go on drinking milk and consuming beef and enjoy their wonderful hamburgers while I give up on great food just because I feel sad for cows. But another part of me tells me that at least I won't keep feeling guilty, I won't be contributing to the cow milking industry or whatever they call that industry. Oh gawd... But still... I fall to the dark side. I still drink milk. MILK. MILK. MIIIILLLLKKK...
I think I'll take the first step. Soymilk and only soymilk now. Okay, I can't do that. Maybe I'll cut down my milk intake. Once a week? Then slowly I'll wean myself off milk. And then I'll just take Soybean every day when I need protein and calcium and all those minerals and stuff.
I'm still guilty, but a bit less guilty.
Oh well. I'm human and imperfect but at least I'm trying. At least I'm trying...
So now your innocent idea or lack of idea in fact (cos alot of us know and alot of us pretend not to) is soiled by this revealation. Everything isn't as simple as it seems as we grow older. In fact it keeps getting more and more complicated.
I don't like complication.
Not one bit,
I bet you know exactly how extremely peevish it feels when a bumbling idiot pushes all the wrong buttons producing the combination for utter stupidity. In other words, yes, I bet you know how it feels to meet a moron.
Its not the first time for me. But I'm a move-on type of person so yeah. Let bygones be bygones, let sleeping dogs lie. Yes. Yes. Yes. I will, if only you let me.
Meet Ken Lam. You may find it strange I refer to him as Ken Lam and not as just plain ol' Ken, but thats because I think his name has long become KEN LAM more than anything else in the world. Anything that doesn't have two syllables doesn't sound normal at least in relation to Mr Lam.
Mr Ken has less manners and sensitivity than an emotionless plate. And I dare say, he tries too hard to be 'in' or hang out with the normal people or something.
Its not that I think he's abnormal, but he KEEPS doing things to remind you that he isn't really a normal person even though you don't think hes off his rocker or mad or mentally unsound.
Its like he's stuck in that P6 primary school boy phase where you do all the wrong things to sound right. When you try to act normal but end up sticking out like a sore thumb. The period of life when you think you've got it when you've not at all.
He's the kind of person you pity so much you TRY VERY HARD to be nice to him, but manages to tumble down that nice wall of mingled sympathy and friendliness you try to build for him. And he's definitely someone who never fails to make you both angry and sorry for at the same time because if you don't, you're obviously someone very mean.
I was so mad at him I couldn't help but say this when we were talking about career options when growing up, "What do you think Ken will be when he grows up? (Stops for a moment.) IF he grows up."
This in other words, makes him the most irritating person to be acquainted with. And also that makes him one of the most frustrating challenges you meet in school. You can't be friends with him and you can't NOT be friends with him.
I don't think I'm very friendly but there IS a limit to what you can push in school you know.
There IS a pecking order. Eat that. If you can't beat that or ignore that, you HAVE to live with that. THATS LIFE. Nothing is fair. So I wonder why Ken still thinks he's a solitary figure whose actions will only affect HIMSELF and HIMSELF only. The world doesn't revolve around you Ken... *Rolls eyes* The world doesn't stop to say, "Hey little fella, I see you have problems. I'll stop spinning around my little axis to help you."
The world spins on whether you freaking like it or not. Accept it. If you cannot then you can forever continue to 'survive' around here.
First things first, rumours aside. Yeah. Ken is weird, but 'ok' for awhile. We get to know him. TRY OUR BEST to treat him normally and hope that he doesn't act all sticky and weird on us the way some P4 kids do when they have no friends. But somehow he doesn't allow people to treat him normally. HE HAS to do something totally unacceptable ethically or morally or something to get you all fired up and furious with him. If he doesn't do that he's not Ken or something.
I applaud Clara for her undying kindness to people who freak the hell out of me. Seriously. She has this degree of patience which exceeds my own almost 360 degrees. I mean, I can be pretty patient with people sometimes, but not ALL the time and Ken is the case when I say "NOT ALL THE TIME".
He gets on my nerves and there is only so much I can take from him! I mean WHY DOES HE HAVE TO ACT LIKE AN IDIOT? To think I actually thought MAYBE just MAYBE one day we could all be just friends you know.
Numero Uno. He's afraid of teachers. Yeah. He EXPECTS everyone to be helping him all the way. He EXPECTS people to do what he wants them to. Thats fine. That problem WILL go away when he finally grows up.
Secondly, he doesn't have priorities. Maybe he does and that is to go home immediately after school for GAWD KNOWS WHAT? People try very hard to tell him that he has to stay at school for this class or that class or listening O level or something and he just doesn't care. It IS his responsibility to know and when we tell him its important he hecks us. Hello! That is like SO rude!
Third point. Mr Lam ignores us when we care. Okay. In particular ME. I cannot STAND IT when people ignore me. Sometimes I try and I really do to act normally but he doesn't think I deserve a chance to treat him like a living breathing human being. I think he secretly wants me to treat him like some teeny weeny bacteria cell or something because he absolutely gives me NO chance to form a friendship properly.
And last but not at all the least, KEN LAM gets on my nerves because he's a JERK and I mean EQless JERK! I don't think I can ever score really high for EQ but not this low on my meter man! Not this low! Today he stepped on my toes real hard and he thinks its funny. I don't mean it literally of course. He went around greeting people with, "You're gonna fail your English Prelim Oral" and also with "Yay!" plastered at the back.
HELLO BAD EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN MALE SPECIES! HELLO! Me, the very bad excuse for human male species because I am in no way male thinks that YOU'RE A VERY BAD EXCUSE! Wake up can? People with functioning brains can tell them you DO NOT ENCOURAGE your friends in the midst of an exam by saying horrid stupid things like, "You'll fail your oral."
Then when Clara asked him why he said that he just shrugged nonchalantly and added, "I don't know. It makes me feel good."
Look at me Ken. Do you THINK its funny. I bet you do. But the question here is NOT ABOUT YOU. Its about this game called life that YOU and everyone else has to play. You are not supposed to DO things (and moronic things like this) because YOU think its very funny. Your ONE action can actually influence MANY lives you know that? And this game called life is about YOU and OTHER PEOPLE. Not just YOU. Do you even think I THINK its funny?
I know you have a brain Ken... Don't pretend you don't just so you can continue doing weird brainless idiotic stuff without being blamed. Theres a word to describe that. I believe its COWARD.
Whatever lah. Whatever.
I looked him very angrily in the eye and said this.
"You have NO EQ. No IQ. And worst of all, you have little to no knowledge of being friendly. Why do I even bother about you?"
I think I said something along those lines.
And I wonder to myself now. WHY do I even bother really. I shouldn't care. I give up really. Clara I don't know how you do it but everyone has a limit and KEN has hit 100 degrees. My thermometer cannot register anything higher before it explodes into smithereens so yeah. Good luck. And of course luck is not enough. I think God Bless would be more appropriate.
I was at Marine Cove yesterday for Zero Infinity! :P Yes! Yes! Yes! I was at the Straits Times 160th guess the riddle thing because there was the School Of Rock band preview and ZI would be performing!
I was pretty bummered because I thought I couldn't make it. I mean, bummer lah! Haha. Before I called Dearie on Friday I wasn't expecting it to be in the morning (the Marine Cove thingy) and then I told my tuition teacher it was a-ok for a morning tuition session from 8.30am to 10.30am. So yeah. Was all set, then I called dearie and he told me that the performance (at least theirs) was at 10.50am. I was like you know the sweatdrop in anime? And then theres this gloomy black backdrop thing? Haha. Yeah I was like that.
So dearie said he'd pay for my cab fare if I zoomed down after my tuition since I was so bummered about it and I wanted to watch them so badly.
So yeah...
After tuition yesterday I took MRT to Bedok and wanted to catch a cab there when I couldn't! Haha. And then Dearie called to say there was a HUGE jam.
So I took MRT again, this time to Eunos to catch bus no. 13 which was supposed to get me to Marine Parade and I'm supposed to walk through the underpass.
When I reached there was this crowd. I mean INCREDIBLE human jam! I was like, "Is this the right place a not?"
It was. And I didn't know why everyone was all over the place.
Found out later that there was a lucky draw for a Mazda car! No wonder! So kiasu leh! The human jam was the kind of pack body to body type where you have to cling onto your bag or risk getting stuck.
I squeezed from the pathway near the beach all the way into the Marine Cove area. Oh my GAWD! I was gasping for air! :X I JUST WANT TO SUPPORT MY FAVOURITE BAND! LIKE GIMME A BREAK OLD PEOPLE. I was wondering if the bands had so many relatives or something. Then I heard the MC talk about the Mazda... GAH! So thats what its all about!
I squeezed all the way, panicking... I mean, what if I couldn't see them? CANNOT! So I took out my phone and tried to call but the signal was jammed or something. Couldn't get my call connected! So I was stuck outside Cafe Gelare, together with other sweaty bodied individuals whose only aim is to hope to win a MAZDA CAR. ULTIMATE BUMMER.
Its really weird, but after the lucky draw, WHOOSH. Gone is the crowd and I was like running home run to the stage! Haha. Lucky me, Zero Infinity wasn't performing yet. *BLISS*
They were great! I mean, who doesn't love good music right? Haha. I thought it was mighty catchy! :P ZERO INFINITY YOU GUYS DID GREAT LAH! Heh. I haven't seen them so into giving a performance before. I mean usually Hanafie serenades his microphone stand, Dearie looks constipated and stoned, Sutrisno looks very focussed and Jue Yi just drums, but yesterday they were much much much MUCH more alive.
Hanafie was serenading the audience, making lots of eye contact and all, Dearie looked a bit worried but he and Su did a fantastic jump in the air thingy at the end which was pretty cool! Haha. And the whole feel of the song was like pulled up a notch cos it was just so much faster and all. :)
Okay people! ZERO INFINITY is gonna perform for the SEMIS at Junction8 this coming weekend! AHHH! MUST GO SUPPORT AND VOTE VOTE VOTE UNDERSTAND! Do ALL this for the sake of good music! Singapore needs it! :)
Haha. On the way back from Marine Cove, there was a jam. So it WAS for the MAZDA. Haha. One mazda... ONE HUGE JAM. So greedy! I mean that means most of them have cars already! Then what are they doing lusting for another! *TUT TUT TUT* Hehe. So Singapore of us ah! Haha. Always aim for more. Not really a bad thing, but yea, it irks me that I had to push through a crowd who weren't interested in bands only the Mazda! :C
And quoting one old uncle to his wife, "Oh no! A band is playing, I repeat a band is playing. Lets go."
So mean! :P MEAN OLD MEANIE! Like your MAZDA is most important liddat! HARUMPH!
LOVE MUH DEARIE. Why? Cos hes so sweet... And he looks so cute when he's sleeping.
Lots and Lots of Love,
Its strange how many beautiful times we've had together... So uncanny I can remember so many parts, pieces of dates we've had together. It slips away now and then, but comes back again one day out of the blue.
Today happened to be the day they came rushing back. And I welcome them back into the deep corners of my memory... I rather they stay within the dark crevices than get washed away by the present and future.
Reminiscing is a wonderful thing. It gives me this warm feeling and at the same time, it makes me miss those times although I know there will be many more better ones.
My first date with dearie... So weird. Can't exactly remember how we met at all. In fact I can't even recall. I can remember our first date and the time he said my voice sounded auntie... (Women bear grudges more deeply than men by the way. LOL!) I was late for school that morning. As usual. Sleepy ass me. Had detention. It was 'Zhong Qiu Jie' and we had planned to hit Sentosa (Siloso Beach) to 'celebrate' - light candles, create fireworks, play with lanterns that kinda stuff. Before that day he had already played around with candles and he created a 'C' just for me out of round white candles. I thought he made it for someone else, but it was for me... I was very touched...
The whole day... I really felt like a kid again... And I loved being a kid again.
He was so sweet. As always, so sweet. Crazy though but SWEET. *Gushes*
He piggy backed me to shore. He cut his leg and still went ahead... I was so flustered! Still he beared with it. :)
I don't know why these thoughts or rather memories came back today, but I swear its the rain.
He shielded me from the rain, getting so so so wet... And it reminded me that even after all those quarrels and slight disagreements over little things. It still felt the same way.
Little little things... Like sending me home even when he's tired. I appreciate it, although I seldom tell him that. I'm just so... GAH. I don't know why. Lol.
Little little things like a warm hug when I'm cold.
Little little things like carrying my heavy ESPRIT tote even though (in his own words) "ESPRIT IS FOR GIRLS!"
Little little things like a phone call...
I love my dearie.
Sometimes all it needs is to remember all the good times, and all those silent cooped up unhappiness piled up because of my self-centredness just flies away. All I need is a little rain to brighten up my day. Man, am I weird.
Lots of Love (especially to my dearie),
I think my overly agitated response towards Jenny's ferocious detailed argumentative styled comments have brought me VERY WERY bad karma. Yes. I'm sure of it.
I don't believe in karma because I don't know what it actually really means, I think its like eye for an eye kinda thing, and er... I only know it builds up either way. Its like some point system. The more bad stuff you do, hohoho, the more you're in for it. So I guess the only explanation for my Friday bad luck spell must be BAD KARMA! (I think I'm just making an excuse for all the frustration I've had today.)
I didn't mean to go on a ranting spree again. Actually, this isn't exactly a ranting spree... Just detailing a bad day in the life of carrie.
Clara says that it is nothing to do with retribution and that its just my depressed negative pessimism dragging my whole day down. Ironically I tell her this all the time. So in other words I slapped myself in the face more than once today. I'll forgive myself for being temporarily disillusioned. I'll have to make an effort to get over this bad moody phase. Hope it goes away soon.
Whatever it is, here it goes. All out, not holding it in. Remove it from my system and live tomorrow like today never happened. Or something like that.
I expected today to be a wonderful day. Unfortunately strange events plummet me into depths of negativity today. :X First was my right contact lens. It broke. THIS IS THE SECOND PAIR! And I have never in my life broken TWO contact lenses (the right side too!) within two months! I mean! I've always been so careful with them... And the thing is, this has never happened until I got my new box of lenses from another shop so I was REALLY frustrated.
Because of that ran a little off schedule. Reached the bus stop at the same time I always do everyday. Seems like I missed the bus. And the next bus which would be the only bus that I could take to make it in time for school was late or crashed or GOD knows where it went! The bus came ten minutes later than usual. Horrible! And I was late.
Things wouldn't be so bad if only I was third time lucky. Unfortunately I wasn't. I was third time unlucky. I ALMOST got not only detention BUT ALSO an offense form. It was a miracle I spotted a mistake the councilliors made! :C I hate councilliors who tick my name wrongly! I was booked for being late on the 1st of July when I clearly wasn't late at all! That totally made me upset. Unsettled me. I told them they made a mistake and they said they would clarify with my form teacher.
Yet when I reached class and the teacher came in... I asked my form teacher and she said no councillior had yet clarified with her about the late-coming issue. She confirmed with me I wasn't marked late at all and that it was possible the councilliors made a serious boo-boo.
Okay, that I let go, since I was innocent.
Then during recess, I thought, MAYBE, just MAYBE things would turn out okay for the rest of the day. BUT NOOOO. When I brought my recess back to class, TY was sitting in my chair. And being irritable (cos I was standing there for a long time) I snapped at him a little more snappishly than usual. Being TY he tried to jokingly attitude by kicking back from the chair and moving away.
It dribbled ALL over my worksheets, the NEW ones too! And my table
I lost control for a moment. I was so frustrated, so lost, so irritated. I felt like nothing was going right today and THIS had to happen to make it worse.
I got so angered at everything (rather than at TY though) that I started punching his arm. I punched alot harder and with alot more strength than I usually do... And I was just raving mad. Insane. I HAD TO PUNCH SOMETHING. I HAD TO KICK SOMETHING. I FELT SO OVERWHELMED. I have never felt that much anger, as in this serious, in a long time. I don't even think I've ever been this furious ever!
Clara finally got me to cool down, and TY was apologetic and all... They helped me clean up my table and dry my worksheets and I stayed rather quiet albeit moody for the rest of lesson (mainly emaths which I don't really like anyway).
When I'm all calmed down then realization dawns.
I lost my tie.
And it all began again. The unending cycle of frustration thats stealing centre stage in my life today. Emotionally draining today has been. :C And one of the most violent ones too.
Good thing Clara and TY found out Kenneth found it. So all is safe and happy again! May Hendel's Chorus play in loops for awhile.
At least the day was partially salvaged.
Had detention which was one hour of being at peace with myself... I talked to an old friend, had a bit of joking, shared old times... Haha. Things worked out.
Thank God Clara was there for me, cheering me up, calming me down. Thank God TY wasn't angry with me for hitting him for spilling my orange juice. Thank God Kenneth was willing to listen.
Oh my God. Today is just one of those cursed VOODOO days. I don't know if theres someone cursing me or something!
Quoting Kenneth, "Give you a tip. If the day totally sucks, sleep early, end the day and look forward to tomorrow."
He's right. Clara is right. Shall hug my bolster and sleep soon. Nothing can get worse. Tomorrow will be just fine.
Faith in tomorrow,