Wednesday, August 31, 2005 12:01 PM

I've had enough of evil TYSes...

The last thing you want is to look through your TYS and see a major boo boo like a mix up between constant velocity and constant acceleration! My goodness... BURN THEM ALL!

BURN THE TYS with all the wrong answers ON THE STAKE. BURN THEM!

Thanks to this evil... My dear little Belle is suffering from paranoia... :C


Woes of An Elder Sister
Tuesday, August 30, 2005 12:31 PM

You're not to be too concerned. You're not to be unconcerned. You're not to be a nag, and you're not to be a shit-slacker. If you worry, she bites you. If you don't, she says shes lonely. When you talk to her, she snuffs you right left center and when you don't, she says you're snobbing her.

When you're the good girl who doesn't overstep boundaries, you're secretly the bitchy goodie-goodie. When you're not, she slaps you by telling on you. When she loses the trust she is given by parents, you lose yours from them as well - only because that would only be 'fair'.

The woes of an elder sibling. The achy breaky pains of being having to be near perfect.

My sister is getting way out of hand and its taking a toll on me as well. She doesn't understand that if she wants to ruin her life, it will selfishly ruin my moms and mine. She doesn't want to care or understand... Its just THAT selfish of her.

Yeah, its alright to go have fun on weekends and sometimes once in a while after school on weekdays. AS LONG AS YOU WATCH IT and get back before dinner! Its not an everyday acceptable affair to stay out late even on weekdays all the time! I'm so disappointed with her.


To think I was proud she was growing up... SHE EXPLOITS THE TRUST! EXPLOITS IT!


Monday, August 29, 2005 2:51 AM

I'm so happy although I look damn tired. But you can't see that! You can only feel my happiness through written word or rather blog smileys... :D


ZERO INFINITY won BATTLE OF THE BANDS! Goodness, the first thing I did was scream. Haha. But I bet no one heard me. I'm not that loud.

Lalala... So GLAD!

Haha... I've never seen them happier! :) Heh...

AND WEI SHENG GOT THE BEST GUITARIST AWARD!!! I'm so proud of my dearie (especially my dearie) and ZI! They really worked hard for that... REALLY really hard. SO SO PROUD OF THEM!

I hope they keep getting better and better and better, and I'm sure they will!

Blog another time.

Lots of Love,

Saturday, August 27, 2005 11:52 AM

The amount and intensity of sleep I get really has a deep impact on how I'll feel, behave and respond the next day. I don't mean like, mimosa... I mean like significant mood effect. Today made me confirm that its definitely true: enough sleep makes one happy Carrie, too little sleep makes a grouchy late one, and too much sleep gives a sullen quite, slightly jumpy one. Moderation in action eh?

Felt like a million bucks today. Just felt great.

Heh. I had a cute dream that made me not want to wake up. I woke up at 4am and was like wide awake but the dream was SO cute I just had to get more shut eye, so even though I was not sleepy I went back to sleep, and a good decision this was! :) Got what I was waiting for (in the dream lah)... Won't tell you guys what. :P

So I had JUST enough sleep. I mean if I had woken up at 4am and done Chem instead, I guess I'd feel pretty moody because by the time I reach school, I'd be all slumped over my desk. :X

Anyways, I tried to pay attention in class (because today is SLACK DAY! Where theres seriously no proper lessons because the teachers are all like BLAH!) and ended up singing Disney songs with Clara from recess onwards.

P.E was a damper though. HUUGEEE damper literally. It rained on us, and before I could even get used to trying to hit the volleyball, I was outta volleyball court and into the hall for badminton.

Rest of the day was a blurry blur blur.

Only know I went to "Mai Dang Dang" (Macdonalds) with TY, XY and Ah Belle to revise for commons. Since TY is the self confessed genius - he confesses it though he doesn't say it out - he had to teach us. :P

Was pretty bummed, but feeling okay.

Today is a great day. HOHOO... I like singing again. :X Hmm...

Lots of Love,
carrie (I loveee my dearieeee!!! THE WEEKENDS COMING!)

Thursday, August 25, 2005 11:34 AM

So we all grow and we all experience new stuff.

But at this point of time I just wish I could stay at a stand still. Its like I'm unwilling to leave Secondary school. Its not as if I even LIKE school. I so started hating it since I bungled up (did something bad enought to get sent to the Discipline Master and not for latecoming) and felt totally uncomfortable whenever I'm hanging around in school after school hours. Its like I hate being there.

And with all that negative thoughts and feelings about school, I still wanna stay here, not move forward. Its just... Too much for me to handle. Or thats what I think at this moment in time.

I'm scared? Am I scared?

No... Maybe... No...


Just yesterday or two days ago, Sebbie (class chairman) broke the news to us... Prom is on. :X

Its supposedly (so I'm told) the most important event in anyone's life since Secondary school is the most memorable time of anyones life... But I'm so unwilling to go. Its like theres nothing there for me. I can't dance (fact), I can't wear a dress (fact), I can't look good in a dress (SUPER FACT), I don't have anyone in school I want to go with anyway (FACT), and I'll be the ultimate light bulb if I hang around TY and XY... :( Eeee. I don't want.

But I succumbed... I put the little blue tick next to my name anyway because if the class is going, I'm going. Thats because I won't wanna miss all of us in the future without pictures of people dressed up, of people trying to dress up, and of gay pink shirted guys from class and cute little girls in dresses. It will be nice to see them dress up. :) I wish I could go in like tailored pants or something? It would be cool... :D But my mom told me it was really dumb to wear pants to prom... XY said NO ONE would wear pants to prom.

And I listen. I'm such a spineless freak.


I miss Jill! :C Its like she was the first person I knew who I clicked with right away even when I was upset and everything (she was my "ex-love rival"). It was like we just talked and chatted and we hit off great... Shes really a good friend. VERY GOOD FRIEND...

I think I'll convince my dad and mom to let her come over during the school holidays for a movie marathon (a break from the mugging schedules!) and a huge dose of popcorn. We decided we'd hang out soon... Just so happened 9th September was the first time we met each other (last year)... Its almost a year... So soon.
And again, cliched as it may sound... Time just flies... :X

I can almost see my life in black and white, sepia maybe... Weird.

Back to mugging,

Why did you come?
Tuesday, August 23, 2005 8:14 AM

"Why did you come with me?"

"Only because I wanted to go with you."

-Ipsen's Play, FFIX

On Paternal Family Gatherings and Self Evaluation
Monday, August 22, 2005 2:23 PM

No matter how hard I try, I will NEVER ever escape the clutches of two sinister evils - THE Mole Concept and my paternal relatives.

Mole Concept I can live with but the latter is pure torture. PURE PURE TORTURE. It feels like being ripped apart and mauled alive all at the same time in abrupt fashion. I can even feel my flesh being ripped strand by strand by the tenseness.

Okay. Maybe its just me...

But gawd... I don't know. I can feel eyes boring into me. I start eating very slowly. I do not open my mouth at all (which leads them to think I am a proud mute princess-like brat) and I refrain from strange bratty behavior which leads to further worse implications which I will later shed light on.

I think its just me.

But then again... I don't like gatherings with my paternal relatives. They're like a rowdy bunch. They drink beer, they speak loudly, they speak rather uncouthly and its quite a 'cultural' shock even though I was always hanging out around them when I was much much younger (maybe before the age of 10).

But time changes perspectives, and what seemed normal years ago, don't seem so ordinary and acceptable now.
I think I'm being mean about this whole family gathering affair, but at the same time I think... I'm pretty left out. And its no ones fault I am left out but mine alone because I refuse to follow my dad to gatherings (other than the one today) because I'm left out which leads me in an unending cyclic wheel of feeling left out and alone and not feeling comfortable and not wanting to be around them...

It all boils down to my maturity (or immaturity probably) and my changing views on how adults SHOULD behave in public. I mean, who cares if they behave vulgarly at home... without manners or cares... At least no one watches with prying curious eyes. But outside? Its a ferocious world out there and I'm a product of it. I'm embarrassed. And I'm ashamed that I'm embarrassed about them. I mean, its not their fault. And its very unbecoming of me to look at them as 'embarrassing'.

About tense situations... Family gatherings are tense because for one thing, theres beer. When theres beer, theres alcohol.

Thats number one.

Everyone should know that alcohol make people more than just loud and tipsy... It makes them prone to sudden bursts of emotion, which can get pretty scary in my family's case... Especially one of my uncles. He likes to talk, and mostly nonsense, but he gets along with all the other family members except with my oldest uncle whos a serious no nonsense male chauvinist.

Oh well. And if theres a rift in the family, beer is a good way to start with anger. So... Uh oh.

So the situation is like this: everything is silent, occasional conversation and I sit quietly staring at my plate, eating when food comes, taking very little and I take small dainty bites and pretend that I'm not there by sipping coke. I do all this in silence.

If theres less energy, theres less chance of a fire catching so... Yeah.

But then keeping it to a minimum causes a build up in pressure and then... GAH. You get the drift right?
It doesn't help that my mom and dad aren't the best of friends anymore.

So doesn't help that she doesn't come along anymore.

And I know why she doesn't. I wouldn't too if I were her.

They scrutinize me... I can feel it. They don't look at my sister with stares that squeeze into my every cell. Just me. Because they hardly know me after I took sides with my mother after internal war at home. Sometimes I just wish I didn't take sides and was nonchalent and cared nothing about what happened during internal cold war. But I did. And I drifted from my family, further and further until I feel, now, more alone than anything...

So yeah. They scrutinize me. And I know it. I feel it. The stares I mean.


And gawd knows what my father tells them when I leave early during gatherings because I hate the tension. Gawd knows what he says about me and my mother.

Yeah. He misses me. He tells them that, and then I become the "prodigal" daughter who doesn't accept him because of my mom. Only thing unlike the prodigal son, I have not come back, and I might never come back.
I know all this from my sister, who sits and listens. She joins in and pretends to be happy. She wolfs down food and pretend to be all merry. But I know what she feels because she tells me.

She isn't truly happy there.

Its like at that gathering theres no place for me or her. A bit more for her because shes always so jolly and sporting and not at all tight lipped and serious like me. She behaves so warmly all the time while I'm always so cool about everything they do. Polite thank yous. Politely taking leave. Everything only what I have to, nothing more.

Compared to my sister, of course I appear proud and aloof, but thats only because I can't let them see into me... This block of ice will stay because you people, have not given me time to warm up to you... You scrutinize me too quickly... You should have waited... But then... You already have. And you can't turn back about this. This block of ice will stay.

My paternal family is a mess...

One of my cousins, almost 9 years older than me (Maybe more than 9? I forgot. I lost count.) is a princess.
I told my dearie that. But I didn't explain what I meant by princess and he said I was "a princess too".
Yes. I am quite bratty these days when I'm with him with my tantrums and 'anger spurts'... But... I don't know...
My cousin, I shall call her YY, has always been the chilli padi of the family. Shes outspoken, rebellious and has run away from home before. Off to America one day without ever telling anyone.

She came back in the end, when her funds dried up. But then her life has never been the same.

She becomes a 'princess'.

I won't say shes spoilt. But shes close to that.

Today was a celebration for my dad, its his birthday tomorrow you see. But she seemed to think that everyone should be serving her anyway. Who cares if its gonna ruin the atmosphere... She just goes ahead and behaves... Strangely.

She had a cup of unfinished milo, but then she wants another cup, and she makes a fuss when her parents tell her to finish her milo. Shes probably in her late 20s already, but she wants it all her way. And she fusses alot about it until everyone gives in and just gets her another cup of drink.

Her mom looks embarrased and her dad looks helplessly angry that she defies him in public. But he doesn't do anything because shes already an 'adult'. I suspect her mom chides her about not behaving and about how well we [my sister and I] are doing because I swear she shoots us a really dirty look.

I feel most unwelcome and I can't wait to bolt. I can't wait to get away.

On the way to the restaurant, what shocked me was that particular uncle who gets along with everyone, was drunk in my auntie's car and she wasn't sure of directions there. My dad was giving directions, and she was a bit disorganized. My uncle kept shooting silly comments which probably hurt and I hurt for her... He kept saying, "I know what they [me and my sister] are thinking. They're thinking you're so stupid... Thinking: Auntie so stupid! " And he kept saying that.

It hurts to hear someone say that kind of thing... And I hurt for her.


 1:05 PM

Its not as serious as it sounds... I wasn't locked out by my parents or anything, I was locked out because I was a moron... I forgot my keys... AGAIN! I keep forgetting my keys!

Most unfortunate that my dad was home but was sleeping and didn't hear the doorbell ring like 800 times. (Frustration!!) And my sister was out with her friends (neoprint session I heard) so I was LOCKED OUT!

I thought my dad was at work so I went downstairs (down lift actually) to go MUG at the round table - the table where all the AH PEKS who are half naked or in tattered singlets and DOG LOVERS usually sit to blow dry their dogs. I was reluctant at first, but I didn't wanna waste my time just waiting outside my door on the mat like a homeless kitty, so I forced myself to sit down on that stone seat and start filing in my YELLOW NOTEBOOK with bio notes.

Anyway, heres a summary of the (maybe) 10 stuff I did while I was locked out.

1) I mugged bio
2) I got butt cramps so I stood up and walked back up to ring the doorbell somemore to improve circulation
3) I failed so I went to East Point to use the payphone to phone home (maybe they'll pick if I'm persistent enough!)
4) Couldn't get through so I went to sit in front of the pigeon paradise (a.k.a in front of East Point where the public seats are)
5) Took out my chemistry TYS
6) Mugged like a fool outside a shopping centre infested with "I don't wanna study" lians and bengs in green skirts and pants whom I SWEAR looked at me like I was insane to mug ouside of East Point...
7) Got REEEEAAALLY fascinated with the shiny pigeon necks (they were SO PINK GREEN AND SHINY!!!)
8) Smiled at cute little kids as my brain got saturated with Chem and Bio
9) Stand up and go buy pens for the heck of it
10) Go to popular and check out the TYSes on sale!

Yeah. Then it was 6.30pm and I decided... GO HOMEEEE! And good thing my dad was awake. :D
I guess it was a good thing I got locked out. Accomplished quite a lot of mugging today. SATISFACTION!!! WOO HOO!

I like pigeons... The male ones are so flirtatious around the females! They're so cute! They go cocking their heads and pretend to act cute. Haha. Oh gawd... And they make the sun catch their shiny necks (green usually)... And the females are real sweet looking. :)

Oh well... ITS FRIDAY! Heh. I'll have to collect everyone's Maths TYS money by tomorrow and theres P.E! I LOVE P.E...

Is it just me or am I like, a bit itsy hyper?


This Is Bad
Saturday, August 20, 2005 1:58 PM

After gorging my brain with chem, physics, and amaths... I realize that I now suffer from mugging overdrive. My hardware is all faulty now.

And when I mean all faulty, I mean it doesn't wanna stop playing FF9 when I start and its NOT because the storyline is more interesting after reaching DISC 2 (out of 4).

Nevermind. I'll be screwing my brain again tomorrow at Claras... I think her mom really likes me because she thinks I'm pretty decent.

But I am. :)

At least I'm not like, playing traunt or anything. I'm a pretty okay student.

Can't wait to mug tomorrow. Todays a rest day. The brain is sick. It needs nourishing (FF9)... Heh.

I've been noticing pretty good photobloggers around campusmoblog recently. Thats good. More to see and do around here with cutesy entries.

Oh well.


Blog another day,

Monologuing & My PS II
Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:20 PM

I'm itching for a swim and chocolate chip cookies. Yes. Both at the same time.

Its no time to be thinking of having a prolonged bath tub experience, Carrie! There is NO TIME for a batch of fresh hot cookies while your at it too. You have to freaking mug! Mug! MUG!

Gawdamnit. I'm freaking schizophrenic at the moment.

Must be all that slacking this afternoon. Felt like whipping up my playstation II console. Tempted I was, and temptation I took to. I'm regretting it now, but whats the use of regret. A dose of long overdue Final Fantasy was great. My brain cells seem to be finally working right. :) RPGs do wonders to the braindead, juiced sucked mind. Especially SQUARESOFT/SQUARE ENIX RPGs.

Felt like RPGing because of the 3 revision tests I had today. Everyone was fretting about how they'd do. All I was thinking was that as long as I knew what I knew and learnt from my mistakes during the test, who blardy cares if I fail it or not.

Yeah. Until I reached home. Then I started stoning and then I picked up the PS II console, and THEN I committed cardinal sin number 1 for a National Exam Candidate. I played my loyal dust-collecting PS II (FF9 lah, the temptation was TOO great...) when my prelims are just poking their heads around the corner. My gawd. I need to wake up.

I am awake.

I think.

I'm not stressed. Don't think so. :(

Even if I am, I don't know why I should be... ...

Maybe I should load up on the cookies and cream ice cream tubs, and maybe I'll go save up for a trip to the pool or something. I mean, I can't be studying all the time. I'll go all zonked out and burnt to a crisp before the PRELIMS can even say "I'm COMING DARLING. HWEH HWEH!"

Excuses Carrie, excuses.

Whatever. My life, my rules. I'll just pay the price Conscience. I'll pay the price. I'll study okay. I WILL. Like sheesh.

Yes. Its true, I'm officially schizo... Save me.

I think by the time O's are over, I'd be schizo, anorexic, bullimic, super duper extremely short sighted, pale and maybe lacking in Vitamin D. I'd probably develop rickets from the lack of exposure to sun, but then again...
Who knows.

Rules are meant to be broken, so Carrie, loosen up.

Yeah yeah... Thats what it always [temptation] says. If it had to sit for a freaking National examination and failed it, see whether it still dares to even mutter the word "rules".

Whatever. Okay, thats settled.

I'll just be schizo, anorexic, bullimic, super duper extremely short-sighted, pale and lacking in Vitamin D for like a couple of months. Hard work pays off right.

I'll go swimming after O levels. And I'll make choc chip cookies when I'm free during those post O Level holidays.

For now... Hey schizophrenia!

Weirded out,

BTW: I do notice I'm growing pretty weird. WAIT. I correct that. I do notice I'm growing weirder. Haha. I'm an obsessed Zero Infinity Fangirl! -_-" I actually named my FF9 characters after ZI members (short forms of their names)... Uh huh... And I renamed Princess Garnet to myself. Haha. :X Yes. I am THAT crazy!


I named the really huge knight CALEB, I named Zidane the monkey thief BEN (:P), I named Vivi the cute black magician FIE, and I named Princess Garnet a.k.a Lead character along side Zidane, CARRIE. What the heck. I'm freaking insane. :P Yeah. I know. Su's missing. But I bet another character will come along soon enough. :)

Something That Isn't There
Monday, August 15, 2005 5:46 AM

I just feel that something is missing, lacking in me or my life recently.

I've been having weird feelings when I pass by certain places... Not so much dejavu but more like a nagging feeling about something, I don't know what.

I'm like totally not myself when I'm with dearie recently. I whine alot and I usually don't do that, that often. Not around dearie anyway. And I feel weirded out sometimes. I don't know whats wrong. And when I'm with Clara or TY, I just feel a bit strange too. Its like I'm not myself and I'm not in control.

I don't think anyone thinks theres anything different with me... But I just feel it coursing through my bloodstream. I'm not who I feel I am. Its like a part of me is gone and its changing how I behave, how I feel, how i respond.

I just can't put a finger to whats wrong. I just can't recognize the problem.

Its driving me crazy.

And I even dreamt of something I know is weird but I can't remember what it is. I can't remember alot of things. I still can't.

Its like I'm feeling... LOST. Yeah... Thats the word to describe it... Lost... And I seriously wonder why.


"Who are you and what have you done to my Carrie?" - Dearie said this once sometime ago.

Black Horsed
Saturday, August 13, 2005 1:23 PM

Talk about being a black horse...

I bet the topic, the pressing issue on everyone's lips, mouth, teeth, tongue cells, has got to be Mother Tongue O Level Results.

It wasn't THAT big in my school (maybe just my class), but WHAM BAM ALAKAZAM, walk out of school and my mobile goes ringing and I get smses about results, messages on messenger about results. Everything seems to be about "What did you get?"

Whew. Is it just me, or has my school lost the steam, that competitive edge? It seems like we acknowledge our achievements already and that getting good grades or not is transient or something. Its great though. At least the upset will get comfort and the happy never get complacent. The atmosphere in my opinion is JUST right, at least for me. :)

Well, about the black horse thing... Its like this chinese phrase for an unexpected winner or the unexpected somebody who achieves something good. Usually used in cases where its definitely a shock factor.

I was one of the black horses. Basically I can't speak Chinese for NUTS. And to get a distinction for my oral was like WOAH. I was like in this semi dream kinda state... I didn't know whether to stay shocked or to smile. I was really happy. Extremely so. But I knew around me people would appreciate a more level headed response... A humbler one... So I tried to keep the joy inside...

But I guess I didn't need to... Because when you're in that kinda sombre situation... When the people you know MOST DESERVED the A2... And they get B3s... You'd kinda sober up too if you were me.
I don't know. Bad stuff happens in life. Can't help it...

I think my results shocked TY the most because he's always saying my Chinese sucks like poo and that I sound like a kentang all the time. Its true lah, but... I don't know. Miracles happen when you try and believe.
So... Today is a good day... :) I AM glad today is a good day. Even if I suffered the worst scare in my life yesterday... Yeah... Things work out in the end.

Life isn't that bad when you stop making it out to be,

"Are you Canadian?" - Some guy who added me on MESSENGER after chatting to me for 20 mins.
No. I'm not Canadian. Never have been, never will be. And anyway... My dearie wouldn't like me to talk to you too much... Its just weird. Buh bye now. :)

How Bad Can Things Get Anyway?
Friday, August 12, 2005 9:27 AM

My mind was in a state of terrible mingled disappointment, anger (at myself), and of course confusion. I could feel my head throbbing. One second, one throb. The next second, another throb. I felt like I wanted so badly to just fling myself down the second floor, get a concussion and just forget everything. I was THAT worried. And I bet you would too if you were me. :(


You never expect things to go terribly wrong one after another all the time. I mean, whats the worse that could possibly happen anyway in ONE DAY?

Today was great when it started and it was fun while it lasted (the great part)... I had beans... A whole can of baked beans. That was practically all that was great about today. The rest of it... A mess.

I almost failed my O Level English Oral Examination. All because of something totally brainless I did. I feel like such a freaking stupid DODO. Like I was going **** SHIT **** and **** somemore. I have never felt so unrestrained since FOREVER.

I don't mean fail because I'm worried about how I did for Oral. I mean seriously, fail. You know, like, T-grade?

The one which bans me from every other English examinations for the year and maybe more years to come? I don't know. I almost got a freaking **** T-grade because I was stupid and careless enough to recklessly wave innocently to Amanda as she was leaving the hall. FREAK!

You know what, and I wasn't even aware I did it. It was like a reflex. A goodbye wave. What the heck and it almost cost me a year. A year! :X I really hate myself.
When I got out the hall, I saw Ms Yew going all angry about how silly a mistake I made. She also asked me why

I waved.

I can't explain conditioning! I mean, I just did it, like poof! Its like my hand has a mind of its own when it comes to greeting people. GAH! And I really hate my hand now.

And the stupid thing is I cut my chin with the hardcover book I got from school today. The one given free to students by MOE about everyday in Singapore. Shucks. I was shocked because the scratch was bad enough to bleed all the way down the stairs.

I rushed into class, plonked myself down and cried for almost an hour. Goodness knows why I bothered to cry.

Every single thought was about failing, about not being able to pass my O Levels this year. I was so flustered, my head throbbed harder and harder till I really wanted to hit my head against the wall... I really couldn't help but hate myself then. I just hated myself. HATED myself. I don't know if its a state of despair kinda thing, but the moment I thought I could never get into any JC or POLY this year because of one stupid mistake I looked at the block of flats opposite my school and saw myself going through the motions of going to the top floor, forcing myself to trip and fall off the building. And then I was desperately looking for a penknife and that was really weird because I didn't feel like a coward, but the lump in my throat kept blocking my air passage and I felt horrible and I wanted it to end. But I couldn't find a freaking pen knife and I couldn't like stab myself or slit myself and I felt like crying somemore.

By the time I got myself settled down, calmed down, all I could think of was I was gonna fail and I'd cry all over again and the lump would come and my head would spin and I would feel like falling down because I felt so tired of crying but I couldn't help it...

I saw Shilin with Gua Hoo and tried to avoid them but they saw me and Shilin thought I was just crying because of not doing as well as I expected... I took awhile to tell her I was worried about failing, but she told me to stop worrying because it was obvious I wasn't out to cheat with a hand signal. I know it makes sense now, but then I was just all over it. I was all over the "I'm gonna fail" thought and the subsequent thoughts like "I think that means I cannot go anywhere and I'll have to wait one more year and waste my time all because Carrie, you're a stupid idiot. BRAINLESS DODO." that I wasn't thinking straight.

When I reached the bus stop, there was Don and he also asked me what was wrong. EVERYTHING.

EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING. But I just shook my head and kept quiet while trying to stiffle my sobs. I almost choked but yea, at that point of time everything was a blur.

The bus came and hey, I thought, nothing could get worse right? Cheer up. Then beep. EZLINK CARD. Wheres mine? Why isn't the reader beeping?


I didn't have it with me.

I just felt like dying all over again. Like jumping into the drain and get drowned in the mud water or something.

Rushed all the way back to school only to not be able to find it... Went to the office and saw Ms Yew there with the invigilators. I told them I left my EZLINK on the hall table.

Ms Yew looked at me and told me I was VERY lucky. And I felt all relieved suddenly. And I just wanted to let myself sit down on the floor and cry this time because I was so relieved...

But I stopped myself. They told me Clara took my card.

So I'm penniless but relieved...

Things worked out in the end, and I really have alot to thank God for. Its like, I was screaming out inside for him to help, that I couldn't take it. And he heard me...

Alot of people decided to lend me money to get home. Jenny offered his EZLINK after hearing my plight... The security guard auntie told me NOT to use Jenny's EZLINK card because she claimed it would get me in trouble and stuffed me with 55 cents (just in case).

And I felt all flustered again, because I'm not used to getting sympathy money from figures of authority. :( Or EZLINK cards from friends either.

But I am REALLY thankful. REALLY thankful.
So I feel stupid about myself, filled with gratitude that life works out somehow, and also I feel like an idiot most of all.

I'm glad things worked out. If it didn't... I'd probably just cry my heart out until I suffocate.

But its over. And its good. I got a cut on my chin to remind me about waving goodbye to anyone ever again during an Exam.

Lesson learnt,

"Beans, Beans, the musical fruit,The more you eat, the more you toot. The more you toot, the better you feel,So eat your beans for every meal." - The Bean Song as sung by Clara

How it All Went
Thursday, August 11, 2005 10:46 AM

I missed the fireworks. I missed the fireworks! I MISSED THE fireworks!

Man... ... Dearie told me to like not feel sad about missing it since his mom told him that there was very little to be seen at the Jurong East party anyway and also that it would be replayed on like Sunday and we could all check out the repeat telecast.

True. But awwiex! It was the FIRST National Day I would be spending with my dearie.
We watched "THE ISLAND" instead of joining in the celebrations near the Jurong East library.

I take back what I said about cloning plots being boring. I loved THE ISLAND. Very mainly because it was rather conspiracy and because the lead characters were... RATHER innocent for at least 75% of the show. :P


Yeah... Oh well... Always next year to check out the fireworks display.

I was in RED! :P So patriotic of me. So was everyone else though. LOL.


I finished the Zero Infinity Official Web! Check it out: http://www.freewebs.com/zero-infinity/

Like haha, its all blanked with stuff to fill, but the guys will do that soon. Check back all the time for updates on this cool band. They're worth it lah. :)

Like, yeah,

The Result, The Product
Tuesday, August 09, 2005 10:57 AM

I am the result of an over zealous country's enthusiastic sexual education. :)

IVF. Only IVF.

I have the "SEX IS BAD FOR YOU" ingrained in my poor mind. I've been brainwashed and now I live in mortal fear that one day I have to do 'it' to have kids because I really want kids.

This kind of came up today when I was talking with TY and XY at the KOPITIAM near her house.

Shucks. Thanks to all the crap we hear about pregnant girls, about AIDS and about weird weird things that cast *** as the evil thing, the most evil, the epitome of sin, I'm now afraid that THE 'DONG FANG' (wedding night) day will come... OH NO. And I SO like kids.

TY was like, "You have that weird mental problem ah?"

Yeah. I have that weird mental problem. I'm the product of education. Sexual education to be exact. And I'm a successful case. At least no hanky panky for me...! And plus, whats better than a girl who wants to grow up, contribute to the country's declining birthrate and at a HIGHER COST TOO? The money from IVF for my eleven to-be kids will be able to like probably enough to fund a WHOLE THIRD WORLD COUNTRY. The sexual education system has finally produced its FIRST successful product...

Dearie has something against test tube kids though. :X Whats wrong with kids in test tubes? They're cute! And I don't have to fu*k to get them! :) Its a good idea! VERY. I like the idea of test tube babies.

I mean, marriage is ultimately so that kids can be made right? So IVF also can what...

Oh dear...

I'm so freaking protective of myself. I have this fear in my brain, about one day my husband will be intimate with me to have kids. And ahh... Its a dilemma.

I hate people other than my dearie to touch me in anyway. I hate people putting their hands on my shoulders or anything. And I hate it when people flirt with me because I HATE IT LAH. No messing my hair. Its like keep your hands to yourself. But I know sometimes that they don't mean it that way, but I DON'T LIKE. :P I'm only for my dearie.

FANTASTIC SINGAPOREAN EDUCATION. You produced me! A weird unsociable creature who will make the perfect housewife for the posessive husband. :X Except that the husband will probably have an affair since I have a mortal fear of sex... -_-"

I'm a problem.

BIG PROBLEM. How do you handle a girl with the ambition to have kids if she doesn't want to go through the 'natural biologically programmed process' to do it. Or at least thinks its too evil to do anyway... I'm a monster and the education system created me. :X


Maybe I'm just way too young at the moment to think that sex will ever be enjoyable. Gawd. I'm still a monster.

GAWD! I'm a monster (monster, monster, monster...),

Living in Our Perfect Little World Leading Our Perfect Little Lives
Monday, August 08, 2005 3:21 AM

In a sense, what the title screams is true. We ARE living in our own perfect little world, leading perfect little lives. Well. The sentence won't stand without relativity though. Einstein is a genius. But wth, what has this got to do with anything I'm writing anyway.

I don't know. Just a thought. Which became many many long stringy thoughts. Note I am writing on an empty stomach and a full brain. Everythings kinda jumbled up like rubbish in the rubbish chute.

We're living in Singapore. Where the punk rockers take public transport. Where the opposition just gets jailed and nothing happens for awhile. Where the public thinks charities are goody-goody organizations momentarily gone bad. Singapore is rather perfect by standards. Oh yea, I forgot to add, where the dirtiest classrooms aren't really that filthy, and where something or someone that stands out or is different is condemned and forcefully thrown off the stage.

Pretty nifty don't you think? I mean, the whole concept of Singapore.

I mean, this way everything is in order. No problems. No out of ordinary nonsense hanky panky. Everything tries to be perfect. And when it isn't.


Get rid of that idea, that attitude, that behavior straight away.

This way, everything will run smoothy.

Good, fantastic, brilliant. Perfect perfect Singapore with its almost perfect people who learn the hard way its better to be perfect than anything else, leading their standard, safe, never-go-wrong lives.


Just a thought. Just a thought. And a bit more...

And I'm a part of this white washed, clean collection of lives and I don't really mind.

I hang out with friends the way everyone else probably does. We complain about stuff. I'm schizo, talking to myself all the time, interacting with my own brain more than anyone else... I try to fit into the Singaporean mould as much as possible but never quite making it.

And then ironically, blogging comes along and suddenly we see that our perfect little Singapore isn't very perfect anymore.

We're all cowards aren't we, Singaporeans?

Imperfection shown only everywhere else. We can't taint our perfect world. We have to do it on the sly. Away from too many prying eyes. Away from complication.

Then again... ...


"I don't have patience for the clanging of sword kinda thing." - Me to Eric (old friend from Canada) about Martial Arts Novels.

the end of the beginning =D
 12:44 AM

phew. yup its finally ended. all the competitions, all the money used in taxis, renting lorrys, all the muscle used in carrying my guitar and amps around, all the practice we had to do resulting in numerous silent arguements and tough emotions. we think its best we take it slowly again from now on.

now we're back to playing music for the sake of music itself (and for local music alike), which usually we feel much better doing. i'm really poofed out from all this media and stuff. really appreciate the experience we've gotten in performance. now we finally know what goes behind the scenes, and what it takes to be a professional band. 2 finals none of fruit. i'm glad thou, i think we actually need fate to drive us a few blows before we emerge into the music scene, just like how the band strives to work better the next time we perform in public, and how u strengthen your forces before the final blow, instead of making a premature one. we've got a long way to go!

I love carrie much more now too. which girlfriend would stand alone in a crowd of hundreds waving a Zero Infinity banner for 5 hours through the perfomance? and still manage to come for our second final even thou she had to go to her aunt's? she's been of very great motivation for me and the band, and i do hope that i can make it up to her too. the fact that she's there motivates me to perform better and i'll promise to be there for whatever competition she would be in.

anyway back to my basic commitments now. Studies, Hockey, Council. haven't been watching TV for a long long time. usually its only CSI and LOST. now its a few episodes of CSI and LOST. oh well i'll get used to it. i love my life and what i'm doing with it. happy national day Singapore! damn its late.

as a friend, guitarist and lover,
_Weisheng_ (undoubtedly still loves carrie)

Will The Truth Make Or Break
Sunday, August 07, 2005 1:43 PM

You know how fear does things to your mind? It toys with it like the breeze does with long tresses. It makes your brain swirl with untruth. It makes it a precariously dangerous tool of the devil.

Before I was about to sleep yesterday my brain went into overdrive just to spin out a 'credible' excuse, a lie that would save me from the hell of confrontation.

And worry forms a blindfold. A gag on truth.

I was tottering with guilt almost all day. Alot of people say they wouldn't have given the oppotunity up because of a school event which many others would attend anyway... But my heart? It was heavy. Burdened with guilt, guilt and more guilt.

So Carrie, throw behind your loyalty to the school for 50 bucks? I'm ashamed of you.
Conscience... Oh conscience... Understand. Accept the excuses, those half truths I have inside. Why reject them? Why keep feeling bad? Why will you not take my hand and be pulled out of that bottomless abyss? Will you not be appeased?

50 dollars will go a long way Conscience. Not to others, but to me it does. Accept this fact. I have two bao-beiers to feed. Hungry ones. Sacrifices have to be made. And in this case... Scolding and reprimanding, disappointment.... These will have to be faced when the 8th comes.

50 dollars will allow my mom to give me less allowance dear Conscience. We live in a practical world... A materialistic and practical world. Very few come out unscathed my closest friend, Conscience.
50 dollars will mean... Selfish as it may sound... A lease from scrimping at least for a week. Proper meals, not little tinny scraps of meals. No need for scraping the bottom of our green piggy bank just to make sure everything adds up right.

Accept them. Accept them. Do not reject them.

I think I'm schizo... I'm talking, speaking, appealing to something that cannot respond, to myself. Oh gawd. :X
I don't understand how I can drive myself crazy.

Should I do the right thing? Of course I should.

JUST FREAKING TELL THEM THE TRUTH CARRIE! Why think so hard? Why consider. The truth will never break you... Never! IT IS THE ONLY WAY.

Yes it is. It is. Fight the battle within. Fight the battle up there. Fight it. Fight it. You're gonna win this battle.

The problem with life, you do this you die, you do that, you seem to die and eventually you do,

P.S: Thanks dearie... For being there for me when I'm going cuckoo crazy.

"May this be good karma build up. Not that I believe in that much. But yeah." - Me to Kenneth when he thanked me for sending him his couple photo with KT.

Because I need alot of it. ALOT of it for Monday.

Moral Dilemma
Saturday, August 06, 2005 10:45 AM

This is seriously giving me a headache.

I HATE moral dilemmas. Not that anybody actually likes them anyway.



The headache is getting pretty bad after inhaling all that dust from packing. Plus, thinking about being in this stupid dilemma is driving my brain into cuckoo-crazy circles. I'm rather dizzy... At this rate... ... Gawd.

Its so hard being a good girl some times.

Looking at more worksheets popping out suddenly is making me panic again. :X

I wanna hug my dearie. BOO HOO!

This is a BAD entry. A REALLY BAD ENTRY.

Imagining myself eating my dad's BAK KUT TEH soupy soggy mee sua is also very painful.

The situation is further aggravated by my excruciating stomach cramps.

Yep. Its that time of the month- this month. And everything doesn't seem as simple even though it probably is THAT simple. DARN.

I feel worse than rabbit poo about myself.

And to think hours ago, I was happily speaking to XY about relationships and what weird thing it does to friends of the couple and about bubble tea and about people and about being anti-social. Oh my gawd. I like talking to XY! I love talking to XY...

Whatever. I will do what I want to do and thats it. Final. No more discussion. No more contemplation. No more whatever shitty moral-shromal. Nada. Zilch. Its settled.


Tomorrow will settle itself, AND SLEEP will settle everything.

If only I could convince myself,

"Remember how you gave me shit? And I made lemonade out of it." Lemonade - Tsunami Bomb

Thursday, August 04, 2005 11:19 AM

I think sometimes the need to chatter away during Biology theory lessons can drive the typical 4Bee (a person from my class 4B) entirely crazy. Read: impaired judgement leading to incautious behavior (hmm... I don't think Mr Lim will notice us passing huge pieces of paper around) , reduces inhibition (lets pass messages!), lessening anxiety (of sitting through another boring three periods of bio; ONE AND A HALF FREAKING HOURS) as well as increases appetite (pass the sweets everyone! MENTOS! YAY!).
Sounds like the effects of alchohol.

But thats really what an hour and half of Bio saturation does to the average 4Bee.
Somehow, this kinda effect took control over the whole West portion of the class and dominated a few of those sitting around me and XY at the South eastern area. Gawd. The powers wielded by sheer boredom!
Whatever the case, the weirdest and most risky of all classroom activities happened right under XY and my unsuspecting noses. We being the most blur and attention paying 'guai kias' in Bio class didn't notice a thing until the little fun was discovered by Mr Lim and snatched right into his pocket.



They were passing a really lame MSN MESSENGER TYPE note around class, detailing who likes whom, who loves whom and whose companies were going under. Something like that. And the really stupid part was that they detailed the nickname changing. Haha. (Something like a combination of ICQ.)

Coincidentally, the most underground and unexpected couple of couples (at least to the teachers) had their name teasingly written on that makeshift MSN Messenger. Along with the more conspicuous "big-wig" couples.

Woe to the secretive girl involved who hid her face in shame the moment the paper was discovered.

The problems of having another half who is in the same class. Heh. I was talking to XY about it, the perils of actually having a relationship (that will most probably not be permanent) right under the noses of teachers (especially the ones we have) is suicide. ALL THE TEACHERS WILL KNOW EVEN BEFORE THE CLASS TOTALLY KNOWS.

Take secretive girl for instance. The class only just discovered, and not all of the class. Wildfire my friends wildfire. With gaping mouths and prying eyes like ours, we are like the kpo neighbours in films and the private loving people's nightmare. HWAHWAHWA.

Quoting Mr Lim, "The other teachers are going to enjoy this..."

Yea. Most probably those [teachers] we haven't got a clue as of yet.

I sense some form of evil lurking in his voice.

And TY wallowed in guilt for being too uninhibited about passing the note, thus leading to the discovery.


Anyway, lessons learnt.

  • NEVER pass papers or lame messenger type messages in BIO CLASS detailing any form of 'open secrets' (known only among the students)
  • Tread carefully, keep tight lipped and do not share the same umbrella (as in the case of the secretive unlikely couple when they were 'found out' by the unexpectingly loud mouthed Gary and Derek) if you wish to survive unknown by the class of your union.
  • Secrets can NEVER be kept in class.
    That sure was interesting. On to physics. Got a test tomorrow.

"Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love you tomorrow. You're only a day away..." - Tomorrow, I call it the song of procrastination.

Lots of Love,

Save the pandas! Huge goo goo eyes! Filler bunny!
This blog contains the memories of two people who hated each other at first, managed to get to know each other anyway, got attached for a year plus and then decided to break up. They are very different people especially in personality and even though they love(ed) each other very much, there are some things that because of love, you have to let go. Just happened that it would have to be this relationship. They now remain very very good friends. (Time will tell if this sentence actually holds.)
3rd October 2004 - 20th January 2006

His Wishlist
Plug-in Acoustic
More Polo-tees
some amazing sound system in my room
more time
large bed
large room
win lottery
basically everything else

Her Wishlist

fellow bloggers Ada  Aletheia
Allison  Amy  Belle  Bryan
B.O.A  Calvin Kor  Cherlyn
Darryl  Emelia  Eng Kiat
Fangzheng  Gimmy  Ginger
Havardz  Huixin  Iffah
Iris  Jean  Jenny Wa Wa
Jerrrm  Jesster  Jill  Jing Ying
Jjoycee  Joanne  Joycelyn
Juliano  Kenneth  Natasha
Nat Yu  NC(Enci)  Peirong
PN  Sebastian  Sharudin
Shereen  Stephie  Miss Chia
Wei Ling  Vicnan  Wei Nan
Wei Qiang  Timo  Clarence
Vane  FIONA  Zero Infinity 
Sutrisno  Hanafie  Yu Ling
Derek C.  Soedar  Islin
Amos  Iris L.  Baby Nat
Yi Wen  Davis  Bra Bra
Calvin  Rachel  Heyang
Daniella  Dearie 

lots of photos (by album)
one 24.04.2004
Last Day Chaos
Rabbits Expedition
The Messy Stuff
Stephy Fever
Racial Harmony Day

two Airport Study Trip
Braveheart Challenge-Race
Braveheart Challenge-Community
Class Photo
12.11.2004 ZI Jamming Session
Braveheart Challenge-Sales

three Dearie's B'day
28.09.2004 Zhong Qiu Jie
Darryl's B'day Surprise
Eardrum Damage
CGSS Band Concert
23.11.2004 East Coast
Hum tum Bolah!

four ZI Pre-Prom
Nov 26 48.4 Outdoor Rec
Shopping Trip
Nov 29 Sentosa Trip
Zero Infinity Live Gig
Kite Flying Episode
Christmas Party
48.4 Dec Outdoor Rec
Dearie's Dream Car

five Kite Flying Episode 2
29.12.2004 Pre Rec
Siloso Beach Sentosa Trip
Jazz @ Sentosa
Mother-Daughter Bonding
Freedom Gig '05
JUNE 19 Outdoor Rec
School Of Rock '05 Semi Finals

six Racial Harmony Day '05
School of Rock FINALS'05
Visit to Siu Lun's House
Lillies On The River'05 Pt 1

seven Lillies On The River Pt 2
Zhong Qiu Jie '05
National Day @ Tamp
National Day'05
Dearie And MEH!
Saturation Point
Carrie in Patriotic Red

external 3B End-Year BBQ
4B March BBQ
Siu Lun Chill Out Treat
Weird Class Pics

disclaimer Certain name(s) have been changed to protect the privacy of the person(s) mentioned in blog entries. This is done in view of the number of people who are able to access the blog. Also views expressed on this blog are usually done at the spur of the moment. Forgive the writer (specifically carrie) should she unknowingly offend. Excuse her. However like every other blogger in this blogosphere, she is still accountable for her blog entries.


old posts
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006