Swing Swing
Friday, October 28, 2005 12:16 PM

I'm still reeling with dizziness! And its been hours since I swung on that swing at Pasir Ris Connector Park. Oh my gawd! o_O

Its kinda like a headache. Like motion sickness. Yeah. Its been SO long since I've had motion sickness...

But I couldn't resist! The temptation of swinging!!! Yes yes, deprived childhood lah! Hemma said, "Lets go play the swing." And how could I resist the swing? (And of course Hemma, since shes been so nice today. Not only today. EVERYDAY. Lol.)

I could feel my balance off whack when I was swinging... Sorta like when your weights not evenly placed... And I couldn't STOP LAUGHING! Its that fluttering feeling in the stomach. Ticklish. And I CAN'T STAND TICKLES. Haha. But its so fun to relive those childhood moments (especially after 2 physics papers and 12 maths paper 1 drainer brainer questions and have I even mentioned the COLD!) after the stress and bustle of pre-O'Level preparations?

Does it look like I love to blog?

Can't help it lah. Doesn't run in the family. Just me. =X I just go on and on and on till the cows come prancing like jigglypuffs in spring. (Thats not a credible comparison. But you get the drift.) Aiya, I like talking, and when I don't talk I have to blog. Can't shut my trap.

Oh well... It was fun. =) You bored deprived O level peeps should have a swing too. Its more "guo ying" than a packet of chips. I should know. I had one the other day. And boy does swinging beat chip gorging. And its healthy too. (Think of killer legs after a week of swinging! So exciting hor!)

I keep going on and on. I miss dearie. I miss dearie... =C =C =C

Lots of Love,

Mac, Mac, Mac, Mac, I'm GROWING FAT!
 2:48 AM

Its pretty stupid of me to say, "Lets go MAC and study tomorrow."

Of ALL the freaking places on earth, I HAD to say MAC. Why? Because its convenient. They won't chase you out, unlike the library, and even if you did the para para with your pencils, no one will shush you and ask you to go away...

So I messaged Hemma and told her we'd meet at 1pm today (I'm prolly gonna be late!) at Pasir Ris Macdonalds. I think I'm SO gonna grow fat again... =X I mean, how much fast food can a girl take? I'm never gonna achieve MORNING MUSUME cuteness... Thanks O levels. Look at the fatty you made me... =X ARGHH!

Oh well... Studying Physics and Mathematics later. I mean, I HAVE to. Its about time I touched them and not just CHEM CHEM CHEM CHEM CHEEEMM. I like Chem. Can't help it... And when am I gonna go through lit?? Omg. I am so laggy!!

Lucky this weekend I'm eating noodles with dearie... No fast food. Nope. Nosirreee. I need some restraint. A day off oily pieces of expensive bread... We're gonna see if I eat my food faster or him. I bet you I eat my noodles faster! Ask Clara. Ask Ting Yan. Ask anyone whose seen my down a cup of ice cold anything or anyone whose seen me slurp down my chicken noodles. I am the ultimate glutton gobbler. Like a turkey I am. Gobble-Gobble, hear me ROAR, or wait, I mean hear me GOBBLE. Whatever. I'm crazy.

I'm so confused! I think I'm suffering from like pre exam slight pig headedness and maybe depression? I don't really feel happy these days?? Dang. I hate being sixteen. And I SOOO lurved being young...

I need to write, to read, to stop being so... ... SLACKISH.


The Continuously Updated Study List
Thursday, October 27, 2005 2:17 AM

AIM!!! TARGET SETTING! Man... I'm killing myself with expectations!
L1R5 = 12

English - A2
Literature - A1
E-maths - B3
Combined Humanities - B3
Combined Science - A1
Chinese - A2 (already achieved!!! YAYNESS!)
Biology - B4

Covered Chapters of Sc-Chemistry
- Experimental Design, Methods of Purification And Analysis
- Identification of Ions and Gases
- Kinetic Particle Theory
- Atomic Structure
- Structure and Properties of Materials, Ionic Bonding, Covalent Bonding
- Redox Reactions
- The Periodic Table
- Metals, The Reactivity Series
- Fuels, Alkanes, Alkenes

Covered Chapters of Biology
- Cells: The Building Blocks of Life
- Diffusion, Osmosis and Surface Area to Volume Ratio
- Enzymes
- Nutrition

Covered Chapters of Social Studies
- Merger and Seperation
- Diplomacy and Deterrence

Covered Chapters of Sc-Physics
- Radioactivity

Covered Chapters of KOTC (Lit)

Covered Chapters of Twelfth Night (Lit)

Covered Chapters of Geography Elective

Covered Chapters of Maths
- 1.1


Its a long way to go...

SO Gorgeous
Tuesday, October 25, 2005 2:29 PM

I see, I am attracted, I walk over, I admire, I swoon, I touch, I continue to drool till now.

So gorgeous...

Its amazing how when something catches my eye... I keep thinking about it. It can't stay out of my mind... Okay, yes it can... But I can't help but blog about how GORGEOUS it is! I can't even come close to describing its smoothness and beauty! Oh my goodness, I'm freaking insane over a piece of furniture.

To you, its a wardrobe, an elaborate piece of furniture to be left in the corner of the room... Just a simple accompaniment to every woman's must have - shoes, bags and MORE clothes.

But to me... The double glass front doors... The aromatic smell of the wood... Right down to the huge spacious interior... Its just so captivating. Oh my gawd... I'm falling in love with an inanimate object meant to play a supporting role in my quest for clothing, bag, and shoe domination. And I'm not even on step one on any of the three mentioned quests as of yet! Not really anyway!

Its a sweet walk-in corner wardrobe thats totally drool worthy. I know you people get what I mean... Its like when you see this really unique handphone that you just HAVE to HAVE... I think I'll save up my pay for something like that wardrobe! If only I had space and a room of my own which I still share with my lil' sis and mom... I'm no single kid mah...

I can only dream about it. Dream dream dreammmm... And about dreams... The freaking thing is... I had a dream some time ago involving my married life, my kids to be (one boy one girl, twins!) and the developement of Clarke Quay in the future... (Yes... If clarke quay becomes totally under construction... You know I'm psychic!) And in the dream I had this LONG ROW of mini pull out drawers which contained shoes, bags, ribbons, you name it! ALL PACKED IN NEAT LINES! (WHAT THE!!! ME??? NEAT???!) And I saw the EXACT SAME drawers at COURTS... And its so uncanny because... I haven't been visiting furniture shops AT ALL... And to dream up one thats exactly the same... THATS FREAKY!

Oh well,

Sunday, October 23, 2005 2:43 AM

Poor dearie got his face cut...

It'll be awright anyway, but its a little itty bit worrying, kinda nagging type of worrying feeling, you get what I mean?

And my sis plays maple like an addict hooked on pot... =X I'm utterly amazed her eyeballs haven't popped out by now! And she uses this little flickering screen for like 491829481284309384 hours? I'm jealous! I use it for a little while and I'm shortsighted. Like a blind fly I am.

Gawd. Life... =X At least I'm not REALLY BLIND YET. YET.

Dearie also got lucky enough to go OBS! =) Thats pretty cool... 5 days at Ubin in December... I'm seriously getting a job no matter what anyone else says. I'm not gonna laze around at home. I'd rather get shot at work by political colleagues than rot meaninglessly at home... =X Hmm... About getting a job.

The big Os are like so soon... And here I am. Here I am, behaving like I always have. I flip through the books, practice here and there... But it doesn't feel like Os at the same time. Its rather confusing this feeling.

And very soon it will come and go. And I'll be left here standing, wondering what hit me.

Thats pretty weird.

Everything will turn out for the best. I hope.

Lots of Love,

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 10:04 AM

You know how they say TERRIBLE TWOS?

Its entirely true.

It IS entirely true. It is THE tumultous time.

I went to read a couple of my "ex-juniors" (I not fit to be their senior lahhh! Lol.) blogs and I realize one thing... Once they HIT TERRIBLE TWOS... Haha. They are like gutsy with this fire inside that won't cool it at all. They have this thing about cussing too which is pretty interesting since... I don't know. Little Daphy was so... Little. And now she's like... Cussing and all. Which is CUTE. Haha. I find it very amusing that all of us were incredibly insane in sec two. Hating everything, wanting everything to make way for us, thinking that as long as we stick to our own way everything will work out, thinking that hanging in a clique and attacking each other is the only way to gain a foothold on anything at all. Its interesting. Very weird don't you think? I DO realize that I was once sec two and angry and angsty too. In fact I was so angsty once I hit Sec three I hit big time rebellion, got myself punished for a stupid thing I did which till now I don't regret but feel sorry for. (Thats really paradoxical right? But I don't know how to explain the whole guilt thing...)

Haha. Its CUTE! I think the secondary twos are sooo full of this rage all the time. Whether you were an '88 baby, '89 baby or whatever, its the same. Its this timeless quality about being 14! You barge around like a bull in a china shop, break a couple of porcelain cups, china bowls, crystal dishes, and THEN you grow up. Its kinda cool how WE ALL regardless of race, religion, upbringing... WE ALL go through that phase. Its kinda weird for me to be blogging about this... But what the heck. I just thought it was interesting thing about life.

And we all grow up.

Or we try.

And we become who we are.


Where Will You Be 5 Years From Now?
 9:47 AM

Good question. A familiar question though. I seem to have a bout of dejavu... I HAVE done this question before. In that really expensive not-really-motivational Adam Khoo Course. (Don't shoot me AK fans! Everyone is entitled to an opinion and experience!) Where will I be 5 years from now. Very good question. VERY VERY good question. I'm kinda lost. Lets see... I'll be what? 21? WOO! Nice number. I like. Exactly from today, in 5 years I'd be... Hmm... I failed maths, pause a sec, and lemme just figure this out with a calculator and less brains.

21 Years... AIYA. Forget it. I'm no good at counting. I fail I fail I fail. Okay. Now to the blogging at hand. This is really gonna be weird... But yea, we all have our dirty little secret lives? Haha. Okay! WRONG PHRASE. We all have our weird little dreams!

I'd be studying Mass Comms at the university while doing a little sidelining, like freelance writing and a part time job too, maybe to get me a little moolah while I slog it out. I'd be someone whos alot different from the carrie in the now. Like I'd still be sticking to most of my values, but hopefully I'd be myself alot more, not care about how weird I sometimes find myself, you know? I'd probably still be blogging since I haven't ever stopped blogging since I started in P5... So yeah, I'd probably be blogging even in five years... I'd be still with dearie! =) Probably engaged. (For some reason this is a bit... I don't know. Its a gut feeling. A dreamy gut feeling, I know. Don't pour my cold water lahhh... Lemme a bit of daydreamy space!) I just realize how long five years will be... If I'm still with dearie in five years, we'd be like... OMIGOSHIES. Haha. Together for almost 6 years? Thats... Interesting. Oh well... And I'd have lost so much weight... I'd have a miss universe bod or something! Wakakaka. Impossible. I know my body. Haha... Dreams...

Yeah... That was weird. Oh heck it. Just a little blogging... I screwed my bio prac as usual. Not too worried though. I'll score em all back in the paper 1 and 2... I HAVVVVVEEE TO. Looks like motivation comes from failure... =X

Lots of Love,

Hokkien Shows
Tuesday, October 18, 2005 1:24 AM

I like watching those Taiwanese Hokkien shows on channel U and channel 8. So entertaining... Its like same storyline no matter what show it is, but its still so interesting and unique. =D

I never get enough of the crazy mother-in-laws and the nice ones... I never get enough of the tame daughter-in-law who gets thrown out of the house because the unfaithful husband happens to get a lioness of a mistress... I can't get enough of the daughter-in-law who gets unfairly treated gives births to a son and leaves the evil mother-in-law and the equally ridiculously idiotic adulterous husband gasping in shock and seething in anger for being so stupid. I can't get enough of the kind man who takes the poor woman and her son... Its just like... Unjust and just at the same time. It kinda makes you feel that it may take forever, but the evil will be repaid, the good will be rewarded. Thats... Just what makes Taiwanese dramas worth the watching.

Oh and missed out something incredible about Taiwanese Hokkien Dramas (not Ou Xiang Ju leh, really those hokkien type)... I LOVE the way the music sounds so cute. Haha. =P I like the hokkien songs. Thats pretty weird. But I like leh... =X Haha. I like to listen to it when the show begins. It holds some sort of allure... ... Sweet.

LOL. ^_^

I'm going to school early today! =) I know they're having pure science, but I just wanna go down and maybe do work as they check their papers... Maybe get a little bit of extra things to note since Mrs Low always has something important to point out. I'm starting to like Chemistry... Its kinda sad I like it so late... But yeah, better late than never. Right?

Dearie really has things out hard for him. But I guess thats JC life for you. =S I should stop being so "princessy" about being sent home next time... He has it hard as it is... =) Dearie, I love you kay? Take things easy... And if you have anything you have inside... Tell me. I'm here for you just as you have been for me. MuackxX.

Lots of Love,

Money-sucking Movie
Sunday, October 16, 2005 11:34 PM

Don't watch APRIL SNOW and don't say you've never seen this warning.

Its absolutely the WORST Korean Movie ever to walk Asian cinema! =X Its like probably selling to the aunties who like Bae Yong Joon (and who cannot NOT laugh when he has sex with the female lead because they're like too used to his sweet metrosexual little boy characters on TV) because he's the auntiieeekiiillleeerr or something. Its really no substance, no plot, and freaking slow! =C DON'T WATCH IT! Its a waste of that $9.50! You can still save yourself! Don't watch it! Think of the chocolate (expensive one hor) ice cream you can buy with $9.50. ONE GIANT TUB! =)

Sheesh. After all the nice Korean movies, they come up with crap like April Snow... SPOIL THE NAME OF KOREAN MOVIES ONLY!

Went to watch that yesterday and also Eternal Loop's performance at Esplanade. I think Eternal Loop is so-so. I think they don't choose the right songs to play. Most of the covers they did... Didn't even seem suitable for the lead singer and she's a good singer when theres higher notes to hit... I don't know. I'm not good at singing, but even the aunties can comment on Project Superstar, so why not me?

For local bands... Its very important to have a good vocalist, because its what sets you apart I guess. Attention grabbing vocals are a must. So... =X Oh well. Eternal Loop should sing more erm... Happy songs.

One thing I liked about Eternal Loop was their stage presence. Its like, you know they're nervous but they don't ever switch to crap mode during introduction slots. Thats really good. =) Yeah... So thats it for today.

Lots of Love,

P.S: Dearie wants to blog in his old blog again. I'm pretty sadd cos its just good ol' me now. You people will be left with day in day out of Carrie.=) Oh well... WAIT. Ain't that whats happening anyway?

Thats good too. At least he can blog freely in his old blog... =)

"Shucks man..." - me, not realizing I just stole Wei Sheng's catchphrase or something.

Late Night Exercise
Thursday, October 13, 2005 1:26 PM

It was like P.E all over again!

Iris Goh, Iris Lee, XY, Peipei and I went to play 'netball' (actually shoot the ball in the hoop only lah) after we got darn bored with doing Biology. It was like what 8pm? And we just dug around for a ball... (We found a volleyball by the way) and we dragged out the netball pole.... (WHEEL THEM WHEEL THEM WHEEL THEM ALL OUT...) and we were all set.

Had a heck of a time. Haha, when we should have been doing Bio too! =P Couldn't help it! Iris (Goh) was like saying as she looked at us with wide eyes (no one was left around by then... All the guys had gone home and only a few girls were left) and she said, "We very long never play netball le..." And then WHOOSH. I jumped in and everyone went okay yay and we were off! Took awhile to warm up but one thing is for sure...


Oooh. Haha. The ball likes me.

Managed to get a lot of shots in from different angles!!! Thats so kewl!! Like I'm SO DARN unsporty. I'm a happy girl though I'm a tired girl. I'm a happy and tired girl.

Oh oh! Plus the "CAI FAN" (veggie rice) rice scooper (or something liddat) call me a mei nu. So I'm so flattered. AND GIRLS LOVE FLATTERY. ME INCLUDED. HAH. =P

Oh yeah, forgot to add... I LOVE 4B SPIRIT! CHECK OUT OUR PARTY TODAY MAN! WE ROXORRRR! (Whatever that means.) We partayyyed like O levels already finished. Hah! It was our GET A1s CELEBRATION suggested by Mrs Lin and Ms Si!!! Had so much fun.

Today was great! =P Yesh, although I look rather 'lonely' sometimes. I'm not lah. I just have the whole faraway melancholy "I'm so so so alone" look alot of the time. I'm really not.

Thanks Kenneth for bothering though. I'm no fun to talk to when I'm stoning. I just so happened to be stoning. =X But I'm so happy. I'm a happy little girl. All I need now to complete the happy girl thing is for a nice talk with dearie! Yeah... That would make me happier than happier. Like overindulgently overjoyed or something! I miss dearie! =S

Lots of Love,

Whats WRONG?
Wednesday, October 12, 2005 1:05 PM

Whats wrong with NOT taking the taxi to prom? Got problem meh? TY stared at me like I was totally mad. Its just a trip to Orchard in a black dress and pretty wedges and minimal make up! Whats wrong? I'm using lippie what??? Not like I'm decked out in the most wayang kind of make up right?

I'm not insane... =X NOT NOT...

I've been waiting for someone, ANYONE, to tell me the MRT is fine... And goodness VICNAN COMES ALONG! :) Lets all say yeah. And he thinks the MRT is okay too. OHHH THANK YOU GOD...

I'm not mad. NOT. GAHH.

And I'm watching the new show on Channel 8... MAN! THAT GUY (RUI EN'S SCREEN DAD) ON THE SHOW IS AN IDIOT! Flirt with girls... Live off his daughter... Have sons from all over... All the kids suffer. THATS PATHETIC. Oh man... I should stop watching these kinda shows. Gets me all angry and pumped up. Its 10 already... Haix... And then theres the weepie queen Choi Jiwoo on another round of slap me while i get slapped and have no way to not get slapped because I'm the weepie girl... >_< Stairway to Heaven is driving me nuts. Sadness on every show. Red eyed from crying, the lead actor and actress look like they're having a perpetual puffy eyebag in deep crimson problem. Without fail one...

The original weepie girl will cry again. And THIS SERIAL is the ONLY serial where the korean lead actor cries so much. I bet he's gonna get the original weepie guy title soon... And watching this show makes me sooo angry. Whats with shows making me all angry!?

And blogspot too... Makes me angry. Is it just me or is everything wrong to me?

I'm getting mad at everything or something? I was mad at TY today too... Over the stupid trolley thing. JUST A TROLLEY! And I blew it all up.

SEE! I'm right. She's crying again! KOREAN SHOWS IS LIDDAT ONE LAH... =X Must get used to it...

Lots of Love,

"Actually, I love you alot too... *sob* *weep* *MORE SOBS*..." - Han Jingshu (Choi Jiwoo) in Stairway to Heaven (as expected)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 12:43 PM

I'm doing sit ups to keep healthy... I don't know... I'm not running. I'm just too lazy... Sit Ups is the only thing I enjoy doing, enjoy pushing my body to do. I started on Sunday with 50 situps. Today I did 50 situps. By Thursday... I'd try up to 70 situps... For now... Warm ups.

I want to play TENNIS. But I can't! Because I don't know where to play Tennis anyway! I like playing Tennis, though I'm so-so in it. Bleh.

Its Mrs Lin's last year teaching... So... Yeah... I never thought I'd warm up to her so well. But I have. And shes a sweet teacher. Sweet, never grudging, always so concerned... Man... I love all our teachers... Can't believe it... Wednesday is last day of school and it'll be study leave all the way...

I feel so bored... like... Its like I don't know... Life suddenly hits a plateau and all... I think its the O'levels or something... Because I feel so lethargic and all.

I miss my dearie. =X

I made a nice wishlist because dearie said I didn't have anything I wanted. And its true. Took me a while to come up with the list... Was doing that with XY today. I was thinking about dearie... Then I thought, hey... Lets make a wishlist.

Yeah. So I made the wishlist... And I added it to the blog... Laammeeeness. Yeah... Alot of the things I don't need and wouldn't usually want, but I decided, heck it, just put up lahhh.

Haha. Wants v.s Needs. Thats something I have to work out. =X I keep having to struggle with the whole stingy "I don't need this really" mentality... =( I'm weird...


I miss my dearie...

Lots of Love,

Why Can't I BLOG???
Sunday, October 09, 2005 12:14 PM

Its like I'm trying to do archiving and blogspot keeps telling me the blog doesn't exist....! IT DOES EXIST! HERE I AM!!!


And I really wonder whats going on... I've got like so much to update and copy and paste from campusmoblog and blogspot doesn't want to accept any updates... WHY?


This is so frustrating... And just as I started missing blogging at blogspot too... Why do this is bloggaholic carrie??




Saturday, October 08, 2005 6:53 AM

I don't have life skills at all.

*mumble mumble groan groan grumble grumble*

Grr! I can't put on make up for peanuts... I tried experimenting today (because XY told me I'd look like a ghost if I don't put some on for prom and I need to try it out before prom...) and I looked like a ghost anyway. Ghastly!

I really suck at it... I can't control the little tiny brush properly without smudging EVERYTHING... Pretty hopeless for a girl. I'm supposed to be like natural at it? I AM a girl right?

Maybe not.

*mumble mumble grumble grumble groan groan*

Sheesh. Prom is 29th NOVEMBER LEH... I feel so rushed. Theres O Levels... Then I haven't gotten anything for prom. I haven't even started doing sit ups... I haven't started my jogging sessions... I'll be so fat and freaking ugly at prom... EEEEEeeeee.


I am so lacking in the girly section. Gawd!!! Bless me with the wisdom a girl should have! Let me suddenly develop keen life skills!!!

For once I wish I had more bimbo in me...


Entries recently are so self obsessed... I'm so... SELF OBSESSED. Man...

Lots of Love,

Tuesdays are For Smileys
Wednesday, October 05, 2005 9:56 AM

I think Tuesdays are the only days I feel like I'm bursting with energy even though I slept at like midnight on Monday.

I'm all grumpy and whiny on Monday... Especially after the useless Social Studies night study. I ended up copying everything because Geog ended late and I didn't get enough time to look through the notes and memorize the notes for the "topic of the day". I didn't really eat dinner too, because heck, there wasn't enough time! And the vendor didn't sell enough stuff... *Whine* Anyway, Monday was shitty as always. I whined so much on the way to my bus stop, I bet I killed a gazillion ear cells of poor matter of fact Anisah and positive "Its not that bad lahhh" Onn Kit. Manx... They seemed real cool about staying in school.

Today on the other hand is so sun shiny bright... Heh. :) I like Tuesdays. Tuesdays have a certain "X" factor.

Blah. I don't know what the hell I'm blogging about. I've got Bio MOCK Test tomorrow. Yeah. Its gonna make a mockery of me. MOCK ME... MOCK. MOCK. STUFF IT CARRIE STUFF IT! Stop acting like a siao char bor!

I think at this point in time the only two things that are stopping me from flinging my entire self onto that barbed wire on top the school fence on the way home is a thin wall of sanity, very THIN wall of sanity, wait a THIN MEMBRANE of sanity and my dearie... Its weird... Does that qualify as suicidal? My back hurts and sometimes I think its because of all the rushing and late nights home and lack of rest... REST...

To think I had killer rest (read: 13 full hours of sleep) just on Saturday and this week the dull aches back- to wreck ultimate havoc into my backbone's life.

Pain, Brain, Drain,

Save the pandas! Huge goo goo eyes! Filler bunny!
This blog contains the memories of two people who hated each other at first, managed to get to know each other anyway, got attached for a year plus and then decided to break up. They are very different people especially in personality and even though they love(ed) each other very much, there are some things that because of love, you have to let go. Just happened that it would have to be this relationship. They now remain very very good friends. (Time will tell if this sentence actually holds.)
3rd October 2004 - 20th January 2006

His Wishlist
Plug-in Acoustic
More Polo-tees
some amazing sound system in my room
more time
large bed
large room
win lottery
basically everything else

Her Wishlist

fellow bloggers Ada  Aletheia
Allison  Amy  Belle  Bryan
B.O.A  Calvin Kor  Cherlyn
Darryl  Emelia  Eng Kiat
Fangzheng  Gimmy  Ginger
Havardz  Huixin  Iffah
Iris  Jean  Jenny Wa Wa
Jerrrm  Jesster  Jill  Jing Ying
Jjoycee  Joanne  Joycelyn
Juliano  Kenneth  Natasha
Nat Yu  NC(Enci)  Peirong
PN  Sebastian  Sharudin
Shereen  Stephie  Miss Chia
Wei Ling  Vicnan  Wei Nan
Wei Qiang  Timo  Clarence
Vane  FIONA  Zero Infinity 
Sutrisno  Hanafie  Yu Ling
Derek C.  Soedar  Islin
Amos  Iris L.  Baby Nat
Yi Wen  Davis  Bra Bra
Calvin  Rachel  Heyang
Daniella  Dearie 

lots of photos (by album)
one 24.04.2004
Last Day Chaos
Rabbits Expedition
The Messy Stuff
Stephy Fever
Racial Harmony Day

two Airport Study Trip
Braveheart Challenge-Race
Braveheart Challenge-Community
Class Photo
12.11.2004 ZI Jamming Session
Braveheart Challenge-Sales

three Dearie's B'day
28.09.2004 Zhong Qiu Jie
Darryl's B'day Surprise
Eardrum Damage
CGSS Band Concert
23.11.2004 East Coast
Hum tum Bolah!

four ZI Pre-Prom
Nov 26 48.4 Outdoor Rec
Shopping Trip
Nov 29 Sentosa Trip
Zero Infinity Live Gig
Kite Flying Episode
Christmas Party
48.4 Dec Outdoor Rec
Dearie's Dream Car

five Kite Flying Episode 2
29.12.2004 Pre Rec
Siloso Beach Sentosa Trip
Jazz @ Sentosa
Mother-Daughter Bonding
Freedom Gig '05
JUNE 19 Outdoor Rec
School Of Rock '05 Semi Finals

six Racial Harmony Day '05
School of Rock FINALS'05
Visit to Siu Lun's House
Lillies On The River'05 Pt 1

seven Lillies On The River Pt 2
Zhong Qiu Jie '05
National Day @ Tamp
National Day'05
Dearie And MEH!
Saturation Point
Carrie in Patriotic Red

external 3B End-Year BBQ
4B March BBQ
Siu Lun Chill Out Treat
Weird Class Pics

disclaimer Certain name(s) have been changed to protect the privacy of the person(s) mentioned in blog entries. This is done in view of the number of people who are able to access the blog. Also views expressed on this blog are usually done at the spur of the moment. Forgive the writer (specifically carrie) should she unknowingly offend. Excuse her. However like every other blogger in this blogosphere, she is still accountable for her blog entries.


old posts
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006